Out of the Ashes of Chaos Begets a New World Order


                                        From Nothingness to Manyness

The Red Pill:

Gateway to the Collective Subconscious


Written by Ray Chandler

Table of Contents:

Greetings: Contains a short “About me” followed by my suggestions regarding the best means to comprehend this e-book.

Chapter 1: In the Beginning there was Nothingness

“Nothingness then somehow became self-aware.” Contains my understanding of how this grand adventure began, what I discovered about the nature of what most westerners call “GOD” and how the various religious idealisms seem to have become formulated.

Chapter 2: Unraveling the Mystery

Once one understands the physics which govern the creation, the unknown is made known. Contains explanations for some of the various paranormal type activities.

Chapter 3: Old World Disorder

Contains evidence of a hierarchical command and control system which is said to have begun its dominion over the human species upon our fall from the Garden of our Eden approximately 309,000 years ago.

Chapter 4: Out of the Ashes of Chaos Begets a New World Order

As the era/age of the fear based survival of the fittest, where the human species has been conditioned to compete against one another is reaching its conclusion, let us begin learning how to cooperate for a brighter future.

Contains my suggestions for an equal resource distribution system with the potential of freeing humanity from the confines of the former era/age where an unseen hierarchy pitted us one against the other for countless generations.

A communal society where everyone who works at least 30 hours per week at something which benefits society will receive all of their needs and even many of their wants. No more poverty, starvation or homelessness unless is due to an individual’s choice.

Closing thoughts:
Are self-explanatory.

List of Some of my Favorite Reference Material: Is a good place to start for anyone who is interested in further exploration.

Following is a small sample of:

In the Beginning, there was Nothingness

Although the term “religion” has various meanings to various individuals and cultures, it was not my initial intent to begin with the topic of, what most term “religion” or “religious faith”. (I still remember when dictionaries described the term “religion” as an act of repetition or habit). However, because the term “religion” has become synonymous with belief in supernatural, it seemed fitting to begin with what I learned regarding how and why the first to become self-aware fashioned the creation.

To clarify, most sources are respectful of our species various faith based religious believe systems. And that, it is not my intention to disrespect the various, so called “Holy Books” such as the Bible and/or the Quran, because those works contain valuable life lessons and behavior suggestions which will remain of value for many until the light comes back on.

However, because many, if not all of those teachings are also laced with unnecessary political and other various forms of dogma, I have become rather cynical of all old world institutions. And that, within my chapter: “Out of the Ashes of Chaos Begets a New World Order” I share what I hope to see all of humanities old world institutions, such as faith based religions become.

As I previously alluded to, organizing my opinion, which is based off of my interpretation of the various information I gleamed from a multitude of sources, was a daunting task. And that, although I do not know the solution for the “What came first, the chicken or the egg” paradox, I have done my best to try and present the following in a linear sequence which I hope others will be able to understand.

Again, in the Beginning there was Nothingness, Nothingness then Somehow became Self-aware:

Once self-aware, the first to become conscious then discovered that thought is energetic, therefore holds the potential to create. Once discovered, that creative consciousness then fragmented a portion of its-self into manyness. That co-creative manyness, aka you/I/us/we then became an extension of what many Westerners today call “GOD”.

Once aware, that manyness then fragmented portions of their/our-selves. Once fragmented, we fragments of the whole began exploring, experimenting, experiencing and learning while reporting back the discoveries made. In that, GOD resides vicariously through its’ manyness while that manyness constantly informs GOD of the full potential of all awarenesses.

And that, because thought holds the potential to create, the information gleamed from all experience is the highest manifestation of unconditional love. And that informative love/light is constantly being broadcast out to any perceiver with the perception required to receive it.

Once completed, I will place a link to a website where you can read more of what I have to share.

Thank you for your interest,

Ray Chandler  






  1. Hi there Ray, I really enjoyed reading your post here having seen your comment on Economic Ninja's video on the Quantum Financial System on Youtube.

    I wondered if you'd be interested in talking by email about your book and its chapters here? As a fellow seeker your words of God's fractioning from the single into the many is something I'd wondered some year ago so I'd love to learn from you if you're open to that idea :-)

    If so then my email address is callumdrury@gmail.com, I'd love to read more of your work if you felt comfortable sending anything over as these are crazy and confusing times to navigate at the moment and, being totally honest, I'm having a hard time reaching through to loved ones - family members especially - to help them during these times.

    My gratitude is to you either way my friend,

    Kindest of regards,


    1. Greetings Callum, I remember replying to you through an email address that shown when this system sent me the notification when you wrote this comment. I hope you received that reply. Also, once I complete the e-book towards the end of 2023, I will, not only create a facebook and other media type pages to announce the e-book, but will post a link to it from here. Again, thank you for your interest. Ray Chandler

  2. Is it possible to get a direct notification when your work is published. I don't 'do' FB and am not subbed to the Economic Ninja. Kind regards from the UK grhmhbbs11@gmail.com


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